MRE meals can be purchased wholesale, and are an easy way to pack for trips where you may need to have food on hand conveniently. These one package meals make packing food quick and simple. There’s more in the package than you might think about packing on your own. You can often heat up the meals without having a gas stove or a microwave handy. Many MRE meals come equipped with a flameless heater, allowing you to heat them up quickly and easily.
When you purchase the meals in wholesale, keep in mind that this means they’re sold in bulk. This means that a wholesale purchase means you’re going to have an entire case of one kind of meal. Consider searching for variety cases, so that you can try out different types of meals, unless you’re completely comfortable trying them out one case, and therefore one type, at a time. One thing for certain is that any meals you don’t eat right away will stay edible for a very, very long time. They will allow you to set some food back for emergencies, but they’ll also allow you to use the MRE meals on nights when you simply don’t feel like cooking. Even if you love outdoor cooking, you’ll find the meals perfectly enjoyable. They have a wide variety of foods in each package and are nutritionally sound.
The calorie values of one MRE meal range between 1200 to 1500. This value only applies to military grade MREs, as they’ll need to burn more calories while in the field. Civilian MREs, or the type one can purchase for emergency food have a calorie value ranging from 600-1200 calories per package, depending on the manufacturer. Over the last several years, these meals have gained quite a bit of popularity between hunters, backpackers, hunters, climbers, and a wide variety of outdoor enthusiasts.